Thursday, July 30, 2015

Walker’s Philadelphia cheesesteak mockery

Several Philly tourists not amused with Scott Walker crashing their lunch. Overheard: “Stand in line with the rest of us.” “Who is that?” — Jenna Johnson (@wpjenna) July 28, 2015 This is silly but sometimes you just gotta stop, smell the roses, and indulge in some mockery of Scott Walker’s cheesesteak choices. It’s the standard more »

Channels of Migration

Photo: Makisig, “Malinta Tunnel, Corrigedor, Philippines,” wikimedia commons.

Eurotunnel estimates that 37,000 people may have attempted migration through the Channel Tunnel. Tragically, fatalities have occurred. People seeking a way out, a way forward, another way, are using the tunnel linking France and England. In a world challenged by climate migration, political migration, and employment migration, what kinds of channels can be safely provided to get from a troubled “here” to a better “there?”

Building the World Blog by Kathleen Lusk Brooke and Zoe G Quinn is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

Walker’s Philadelphia cheesesteak mockery

Several Philly tourists not amused with Scott Walker crashing their lunch. Overheard: “Stand in line with the rest of us.” “Who is that?” — Jenna Johnson (@wpjenna) July 28, 2015 This is silly but sometimes you just gotta stop, smell the roses, and indulge in some mockery of Scott Walker’s cheesesteak choices. It’s the standard more »

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

WI Supreme Court “went well beyond what any court has ever held in opening the floodgates to secret money in politics”

Brendan Fischer of PRWatch was recently interviewed by Janine Jackson of A couple of exerpts: JJ: Well, it sounds as though the charge was that Walker actively sought to skirt finance laws and that the ruling is: Yes, he did, but it’s OK? I mean, help us to understand exactly what happened here. BF: That’s about right. more »

Monday, July 27, 2015

Republican presidential candidates cluster accounts at bank with only 1 branch in McLean, Virginia

Hmmmmm. From Bloomberg: “According to the most recent Federal Election Commission filings, Chain Bridge is the sole bank serving Jeb Bush’s presidential campaign, which reported raising $11.4 million as of June 30, and his allied super-PAC, Right to Rise, which says it’s raised $103 million so far. Donald Trump’s campaign banks at Chain Bridge, and it’s more »

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Trump nails Walker on crumbling roads, deficit, underfunded education, Common Core flip-flops

Times are strange when you’re pleased to hear from Donald Trump, eh? What’s really wild is not only do I enjoy hearing Trump slam Walker, I have to admit that Trump is essentially telling the truth about the state of affairs in Wisconsin and about Walker’s flip-flops on Common Core. Donald Trump says he wasn’t more »

Wisconsinite dissents in chalk: “WEASEL WHORE HOUSE”

The dissent: The chalker, who prefers to remain anonymous, gave me permission to upload this photo here. If you have questions about the use of the word “whore” in Wisconsin see this. You just finished reading Wisconsinite dissents in chalk: "WEASEL WHORE HOUSE"! Consider leaving a comment!Visit for more news and opinion. You can more »

Saturday, July 25, 2015

“Scott Walker is not Joe McCarthy, but his technique is similar”

This is a bit from an opinion piece by Dana Milbank in the Washington Post: “Scott Walker is not Joe McCarthy, but his technique is similar: He suggests that the nation’s ills can be cured by fighting labor unions (foremost among the “big government special interests” hurting America), even though unions represent just 11 percent more »

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

One of the shady recipients of Walker’s WEDC welfare faces criminal investigation (finally)

As blogger lufthase puts it, “If WEDC had done a simple search on Green Box chairman Ronald Van Den Heuvel before making this loan, they’d have found at least 8 six-figure judgements from 2008 to 2011 against him or the many, many companies he has registered at the same address as Green Box.” Basically, Scott more »

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Round-up of Wisco news: Walker puzzled by gayness, Walker v. G.A.B., 20 wk. abortion ban, MORE

These seem like the key WI political stories from the last 3 or 4 days. If I missed something, please do leave it in a comment. WALKER AND GAYNESS This is how conservative blog NewsMax frames it: Gay marriage opponent and Republican presidential candidate Scott Walker said in a CNN interview broadcast on Sunday he more »

Monday, July 20, 2015

“Governor Walker, why are you trying to break my family apart?” – Leslie Flores

Because a new poll shows that Donald Trump polls nationally at 24% among Republican registered voters while Walker polls 13% I have to admit that I have no idea whether Walker’s comments to this family have an impact positive or negative within the Republican Party base. This guy’s tweet sums up their bigoted wingnuttery: "Obama's more »

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Iowa is smelling the BS around Walker’s Kohls speech

Iowans are learning that Scott Walker doled out over $68 million to Kohls. It’s undermining his “brown bag government” schtick. Excellent! If they keep pulling at loose threads on his stories they’re going to turn up tales of unaccountable millions in corporate welfare he gave out through WEDC. Des Moines Register has the story:  Some more »

Friday, July 17, 2015

Looks like my governor is cruisin’ through Iowa in a big gay RV

I sent this to George Takei Dear George: This is a photo of Scott Walker’s new RV. I must say, all I can see is an equal sign with those two red bars on the right. And when I see a red equal sign I am reminded of the red equal sign which you encouraged more »

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Appeal of John Doe decision to SCOTUS unlikely according to Hasen

This is from Hasen’s “Analysis of Wisconsin John Doe Ruling: Bad News for Campaign Finance Laws” U.S. Supreme Court review? The dissent notes that under the U.S. Supreme Court’s Caperton decision, the failure to recuse in this case could be a due process violation. At least theoretically, that’s an issue which could go to the more »

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Road Trip Ontario: Views, Food and a Bit of Romance

A road trip... Ontario's west coast offers a chance to see, taste and hear anew. The post Road Trip Ontario: Views, Food and a Bit of Romance appeared first on Solo Traveler.

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Thursday, July 9, 2015

JOHNSON LIBRARY HOSTS STUDENT MATH BEE JULY 15 - Tutoring July 10, 13 & 14 for K to Sixth Graders

St. Petersburg, FL (July 9, 2015) -- Hey Kids! Brush up on your math facts this summer and have some fun at the library at the same time. Students entering Kindergarten through sixth grade are invited to compete for prizes in the Sixth Annual MATH BEE - at St. Petersburg's James Weldon Johnson Community Library, 1059 18th Avenue South on Wednesday, July 15, at 6:15 p.m.

This free event is sponsored by the Friends of the Johnson Community Library, with support from the St. Petersburg Masonic Lodge 109.The top three finishers in three grade-level groups will be awarded gift cards.

Participants are encouraged to practice their math facts online at And, tutoring sessions, which started July 8, will be offered on Friday, July 10; Monday, July 13; and Tuesday, July 14 from 3 to 4:30 p.m. in the Johnson Community Library Community Room. Registration is held on-site the night of the event. For more information, contact the Johnson library at 727-893-7113.

About Your St. Petersburg Library: St. Petersburg’s Library System provides library resources to meet the educational, recreational, cultural, intellectual and social needs of its diverse community. It operates seven community libraries, including the Main Library, North Community Library, South Community Library, West Community Library, Johnson Community Library, Mirror Lake Community Library and a micro-library at Childs Park. For more information, visit


15-158 lck

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Fitz says Walker was involved in attempted ax of open records law

I’ll keep this brief. Here’s the headline: Scott Fitzgerald: Scott Walker’s office was involved with open records changes The most important thing to take away is that Fitz and the boys will make another effort to cut you and the world off from legislative records: “I think it’s something that there are many different entities more »

Licensed to Create: Finding Life-Work Balance Traveling Solo

Finding life-work balance is no easy task -- even for a travel blogger. On my most recent trip to Goderich I discovered new creative ways of finding it. The post Licensed to Create: Finding Life-Work Balance Traveling Solo appeared first on Solo Traveler.

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Monday, July 6, 2015

I have to ask: Are the Old Boys down at M.J.Sentinel shitting their pants right now?

Plenty of facebook commenters and at least two bloggers have proposed that the JFC’s attack on WI open records law is actually a set-up to eventually make Walker look the hero. As in, they think that the “dirty dozen” on the Joint Finance Committee conspired to nuke open records law with the budget add-on called more »

Your attention please, Independence Day-celebrating Wisconsinites. Still LOTS of alarming BS in that last minute add-on to the WI budget.

Wisconsin’s Governor has released yet another Orwellian decree. It asserts that despite the fact that a radical stripping of open records law was tucked into Thursday’s “motion 999″ that the changes were “never intended to inhibit transparent gov’t in any way“. That’s special. Let’s assume I can pretend that Scott Walker and associated Republican legislators more »

Sunday, July 5, 2015

“The burning churches south of the Ohio River are a striking reminder that fascism thrives in America”

The note below appears at the blue cheddar blog with Tom Neale’s permission. The burning churches south of the Ohio River are a striking reminder that fascism thrives in America; for one of fascism’s most telling characteristics is its racist component. The demonized other is essential to this evil. In the wisdom traditions it is more »

Friday, July 3, 2015

Solo Travel Destination: Tulum, Mexico

This Solo Travel Society member recommends Tulum for the relaxed, friendly vibe, interesting ruins, delicious food and beautiful cenotes. The post Solo Travel Destination: Tulum, Mexico appeared first on Solo Traveler.

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UPDATED: Walker will “make changes” / WI Legislature aims to destroy public access to drafting docs. IT TAKES EFFECT JULY 1st.

UPDATE: Gov. Scott Walker plans to work with lawmakers to change heavy restrictions on public records before the state budget is voted on, his spokeswoman said Friday. “Prior to the budget going to the full Legislature for action, Governor Walker plans to work with legislative leaders to make changes to the provisions included in the more »

Thursday, July 2, 2015

WI Legislature aims to destroy public access to drafting docs. IT TAKES EFFECT JULY 1st.

I’m going to go ALL CAPS. WISCONSIN IS RULED BY ARROGANT SLIMEBALLS. I mean, it’s not enough for Wisconsin’s Republican legislators and the dairyland dictator to have one-party-rule. They demand secrecy! A motion proposed by the Joint Finance Committee today takes away our access to drafting documents. Yes, it IS part of the Wisconsin budget more »